Moral Uplifting Society Chan Kong Kok



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Moral Uplifting Society CHAN KONG KOK

About Us


Located in the state of Perak in Malaysia, Moral Uplifting Society CHAN KONG KOK is an organization dedicated to the promotion of moral uplifting activities. Apart from moral uplifting activities, CHAN KONG KOK is also a famous tourist attraction, known for it's natural untouched limestone caves, flora and fauna. Our tasks include moral uplifting lectures, herbal medicine studies, providing free medical services, promotion of tourism, etc.

The Religion Of Morality

Ours is a world of advanced science with a high degree of materialism. It is generally held that seeking material gratification is the sole aim of life. To this end, man has become selfish and mercenary-minded, making, making no distinction between good and evil, and paying no attention to the virtues of moral etiquette and righteousness, sense of honour and sense of shame.

This tendency has dealt a severe blow to the spiritual morality that has upheld the peace and happiness of human society. Hardly a day passes without one reading in the daily press reports on such crimes as robbery, arson, murder, rape, drug abuse etc. Such sins and crimes against heavenly principles and humanity are not confined to a particular time and place, but are a world-wide phenomenon. All these testify to the decline of Morality.

The religion of Morality follows the good virtues of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, and at the same time, also worships the various Sages of the Moral Uplifting Society and observes the precepts and practices of The Ten Principles and The Eight Precepts.

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Moral Uplifting Society CHAN KONG KOK
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Last Updated On Tuesday, June 19, 2001
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